
标准号 | 产品英文名称 | 产品中文名称 |
IS 5557: 2004 | Industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots | 工业护膝和护踝靴 |
IS 5557 (Part 2): 2018 | All rubber gum boots and ankle boots | 所有的橡胶胶靴和短靴 |
IS 5676: 1995 | Moulded solid rubber soles and heels | 模压实心橡胶鞋底和鞋跟 |
IS 6664: 1992 | Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels | 用于鞋底和鞋跟的橡胶微孔板 |
IS 6719: 1972 | Solid PVC soles and heels | 实心PVC鞋底和鞋跟 |
IS 6721: 1972 | PVC sandal | PVC 凉鞋 |
IS 10702: 1992 | Rubber Hawai Chappal | 橡胶人字拖 |
IS 11544: 1986 | Slipper, rubber | 橡胶拖鞋 |
IS 12254: 1993 | Polyvinyl chloride(PVC) industrial boots | PVC工业靴 |
IS 13893: 1994 | Polyurethane sole, semirigid | 半刚性PU鞋底 |
IS 13995: 1995 | Unlined moulded rubber boots | 无衬里模压橡胶靴 |
IS 16645: 2018 | Moulded plastics footwear- Lined or Unlined polyurethane boots for general industrial use | 一般工业用内衬或无内衬PU靴 |
IS 16994: 2018 | Footwear for men and women for municipal scavenging work | 市政清洁工作用的男女鞋 |
IS 1989 (Part 1): 1986 | Leather safety boots and shoes for miners | 矿工使用的皮革类安全靴及安全鞋 |
IS 1989 (Part.2): 1986 | Leather safety boots and shoes for heavy metal industries | 重金属工业使用的皮革类安全靴及安全鞋 |
IS 3735: 1996 | Canvas Shoes Rubber Sole | 橡胶底帆布鞋 |
IS 3736: 1995 | Canvas Boots Rubber Sole | 橡胶底帆布靴 |
IS 3976: 2018 | Safety Rubber Canvas Boots for Miners | 矿工使用的安全橡胶帆布靴 |
IS 11226: 1993 | Leather safety footwear having direct moulded rubber sole | 直接模压橡胶底的皮革安全鞋 |
IS 14544: 1998 | Leather safety footwear with direct moulded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sole | 直接模压PVC鞋底的皮革安全鞋 |
IS 15844: 2010 | Sports footwear | 运动鞋 |
IS 17012: 2018 | High ankle tactical boots with PU – Rubber sole | PU橡胶底高踝战术靴 |
IS 17037: 2018 | Antiriot shoes | 防爆靴 |
IS 17043: 2018 | Derby shoes | 德比鞋 |
IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016 | Personal protective equipment – Part 2 Safety Footwear | PPE-安全鞋 |
IS 15298 ( Part 3) : 2019 | Personal protective equipment – Part 3 Protective Footwear | PPE-保护鞋 |
IS 15298 (Part 4) : 2017 | Personal protective equipment – Part 4 Occupational Footwear | PPE-职业鞋 |